Homeopathy and Aura Scanning
One popular use of aura scanning concerns homeopathic remedies. By just holding a remedy, the aura reacts to its presence, which provides important information on whether the remedy is helpful or harmful, and in which way. An appropriate remedy also may have served its purpose already but it’s no longer useful. Your aura will let you know.
I, as a trained Homeopath, recommend her highly as a healer. But also if you are a Homeopath or Herbalist, she has that amazing and unique gift of seeing the effect of the medicine on the patient before he or she takes it in. Just by holding it, it affects his or her aura and the different organs in the body and Shari can describe the impact of the remedies vividly and accurately.
Rana Jalabi-Holdijk
Cairo, Egypt
- Find out how a remedy affects you and choose the most appropriate remedy and dosage.
- Discover how a medication or supplement is affecting you and whether it is effective in treating a given condition
I, as a trained Homeopath, recommend her highly as a healer. But also if you are a Homeopath or Herbalist, she has that amazing and unique gift of seeing the effect of the medicine on the patient before he or she takes it in. Just by holding it, it affects his or her aura and the different organs in the body and Shari can describe the impact of the remedies vividly and accurately.
Rana Jalabi-Holdijk
Cairo, Egypt