By Sharon Blauer
At this time of year, many people are looking at the year ahead in the hopes of making some positive changes in their lives. More people are trying to tap into the popularized Law of Attraction. Do these new techniques rival the tried, tested and typically futile lists of promises and 2-week attempts to keep to them or is it just a more metaphysical, ‘woo-woo’ lesson in the School of Disappointment? Before Jim Carrey became a superstar, he wrote himself a $10 million dollar cheque which he meditated on regularly. The cheque represented what he believed he would earn from a movie one day. He believed in the reality of that cheque and eventually, that cheque became a reality. A few years ago, Rhonda Byrne’s book and DVD ‘The Secret’ popularized this age-old idea of asking for and receiving what you want, materially and otherwise (though mostly materially) from a benevolent universe. It was an international sensation. Millions sought to put the Law of Attraction into use to learn how they could increase their experience of abundance. And not long after The Secret achieved rock star status, the global economy spiraled into the abyss, causing substantial layoffs, bankruptcies and an upsurge in crime. Are these two phenomena related? Perhaps... The premise on which the Law of Attraction is based is that we live in a vibrational universe. Quantum physicists concur with this premise, to the point that they say the observer can determine whether they will see/create a wave or a particle, depending on what they expect to see. It isn’t so much that seeing is believing, but rather that believing is seeing. So there is scientific evidence that we do create our own reality to some degree. But if it is true that what you send out comes back to you, do you really know what you are sending out? The answer can best be found in the subconscious mind. Say your conscious mind says it wants you to be a millionaire, but your subconscious believes that wealth means greed or that only the poor are close to God or that you simply don’t deserve wealth, which message wins? The Secret stressed how your emotions help to amplify the orders you place to the universe. And in the realm of the emotions, the subconscious mind reigns supreme. It’s the voice of addiction that makes you reach for the cigarette when your conscious mind knows it shouldn’t. It’s the voice that tells you the diet can be postponed for tomorrow when your conscious mind knows better. In your own life, which voice typically has the upper hand? If the answer was your conscious mind, you wouldn’t have the same New Year’s resolutions this year as you did last year, or the year before –and those positive affirmations would have worked in a jiffy. So what can you do to change these beliefs? Hypnosis is one tool that works directly on your subconscious to effectively shift those thoughts that are no longer serving you. For those who say hypnosis a form of brainwashing, they're right: it's a way to effectively 'wash your brain' of the voices of that critical teacher in first grade you still have in your mind, the uncle who said you'd never amount to anything; the sibling who said you'll never make it as an artist. For these, I say bring on the 'brain-washing'. As for the power of attraction, the fewer self-sabotaging or contradictory vibes you send out to the universe, the clearer a channel you’ll be in asking for and attracting into your life what’s truly best for you. But until you get there, you may want to ask, what are your strongly held beliefs right now? You’d better find out before you place your order to the universe. So you say your conscious mind wants more abundance in your life? Abundance isn’t simply about money, is it? It‘s about living your life to the fullest, authentically and joyfully. Doing what makes you, as a unique individual, happy and productive, loving and loved, not what that definition is for Bill Gates or Madonna, but for you. If your bliss is being a professional dog walker or an anthropologist, so be it. The bonus is that living a more authentic, unique life is also considered to be the best way to tap into a more positive experience of the Law of Attraction. As healing practitioners, one of our principle jobs is to use a series of tools, including hypnosis, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques or Meridian Tapping), aura or energy reading and Vortex healing to help to see, understand and remove the barriers to people’s experience of health on all levels; this is especially true when it comes to clearing the clutter in the subconscious mind. For without doing a spring cleaning on the psyche, careful what you ask for, because you just might get it. The other thing we do is to help people get back in touch with their authentic selves so that you know what to ask for to live your own unique life to the fullest. Here’s to a happy (brand) New Year! For questions, more information or to book a session or course, contact the author at [email protected] or visit her website at
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By Sharon Blauer As an alternative health professional, I have met my fair share of skeptics. It is understandable that they feel as they do if they haven’t experienced alternative therapies –or if perhaps they’ve had a negative experience and have therefore dismissed all alternative therapists as being substandard or perhaps just a bunch of charlatans. In fairness, no doubt these same people would dismiss conventional doctors when they are unable to treat the common cold effectively, when they botch up an operation that sets back the patient in recovery time and considerable cash, misdiagnose a condition and/or prescribe medication whose side effects do more damage than the relief they purport to provide. Or do they? Clearly, there are competent and less competent people in both streams of healthcare. I have been on an unofficial pilgrimage of late, looking for the empirical scientific proof that alternative therapies can be just as effective, if not more effective than conventional medicine –not to mention a lot more affordable for those who aren’t covered by medical insurance. This summer in Vancouver, I attended a seminar held by fellow Canadian Adam ‘Dreamhealer’, a holistic professional who, as a teenager, was credited with healing rockabilly legend Ronnie Hawkins of terminal pancreatic cancer –along with several others with the same condition. This strain of cancer is typically considered to be a death sentence, and a rapidly carried out one at that. So certain were his doctors that Ronnie was on his way out that a farewell tribute concert was held in his honor. Yet, eight years later, he’s still alive, and cancer-free according to conventional medical diagnostics. MRI after MRI was performed on Ronnie because doctors simply couldn’t fathom that the condition was gone. At Adam’s seminar, we were shown video testimonial after testimonial of cancer survivors who credit him with saving their lives with energy healing. But are these testimonials, however authentic, which were given by people who were effectively told by their doctors they weren’t expected to live this long ‘scientific’ enough? This fall, I attended training in Reconnective healing in Los Angeles with its founder, Eric Pearl. He, too is looking to provide scientific backing to the movement’s healing claims. So along with a number of testimonials of miraculous healings, the following scientific data was provided. A study was carried out whereby athletes were provided six hours of teaching and interaction with Reconnective Healing energies or frequencies. “Each of the athletes and test subjects experienced a significant boost in their energy levels, with an average increase of 22% or more. The athletes reported that they could clearly feel the frequencies and the benefits they were experiencing in their bodies. One athlete with a recently broken leg injury, who walked only with difficulty and on crutches, was able--after the two session experiment--to get off the table and walk on his own with little pain. His doctor, who was present during the experiment, re-x-rayed the athlete the next day and was stunned to see that the sever bone break had somehow now become a slight sprain.” Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Ph.D said: “The results were very, very strong and very, very different” than anything else he had seen in his extensive bio-energetic research. Who is Dr Korotkov? Professor of Computer Science and Biophysics at Saint-Petersburg Federal University of Informational Technologies, Mechanics and Optics. Professor of Research in Saint Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture. President of the International Union for Medical and Applied Bioelectrography, that’s who. But perhaps this was a placebo effect? Another study done in collaboration with Gary Schwartz, Ph.D, Director of Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychology, and Surgery; and Director, Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health at the University of Arizona, set out to examine what transpires when Reconnective Healing is applied to plants. “Plant leaves were selected and matched for size and consistency. What was known was that when leaves are separated from their life source (stem or trunk) they die.” In fact, they apparently die within 7-10 days. Reconnective Healing was applied to some of the severed leaves. The result was that it helped to keep the leaves alive as long as 90 days! Some of them even started sprouting roots. But is that scientific enough? Was it a placebo effect? Perhaps the leaves expected to live longer? British Brain Researcher Dr. Richard Hansbury discovered that persons receiving Reconnective energy during an EEG had the following result: brainwaves began to organize, harmonize and go into a state of coherent, peak performance state. But is an EEG a scientific enough instrument? Well, to me it is. This is why I have spent time and money studying this modality and why I now offer it to my own clients. There comes a time following much needed scrutiny that when results are what they are, a conclusion ought to be drawn based upon that data. I am my own EEG: I read people’s energy. Professional homeopaths come to me with their clients and even with their own families because, in their words, I am able to see the effects of the remedy before they even ingest it, clearly and accurately, using similar terminology to the Materia Medica, their reference book (this also helps prevent unfortunate side effects of taking the wrong remedy or dosage). But is the consistency of my accuracy deemed scientific? It’s good and consistent enough for them, their families and their clients; and that says a lot to me. I also use this skill to train other budding healers and to see how effective a healing session of any modality was on its recipient. And now, as New Year’s approaches, I am being approached by people wanting an energy or aura reading for them or their loved ones so that they may set their New Year’s resolutions with more clarity of purpose on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Their trust in me is based on results, and consistency in these results. And that’s scientific enough for them. To reach the author, please write to [email protected] or visit her website at |
About SharonI am a medical clairsentient, energy worker and reader, who has traveled the world in search of wisdom and insight on healing, metaphysical truths, creativity and humor. I love listening to and performing music and I like to inject a healthy dose of humor and open mindedness as a Devil's advocate and metaphysics/healing teacher. ![]()
June 2012