Thanks for your most provocative and interesting input. The integration of that info and impact continues profoundly.
Dr Todd Ovokaitys MD
Affiliated with the Kryon group and renowned for his effective work with cancer, AIDS patients and spiritual evolutionary tools. The South African Journal of Natural Medicine wrote of Dr. Ovokaitys: "Doctors and professors of medicine...heralded his work as groundbreaking and worthy of a Nobel Prize."
San Diego, USA
Sharon's workshop was superb. She is truly gifted, very articulate and a natural, empathetic teacher.
Jennifer Clark
Marketing Professional/Writer
Montreal, Canada
Shari Blauer has been providing a range of energy and massage treatments at the Adrere Amellal Oasis in Siwa (Egypt) over the past three years…she has shown exceptional skills in fulfilling the wellness needs of our guests and in capturing their respect and admiration. One of the guests who has been suffering from a serious knee problem and was to be operated in the Unites States the week following his visit to the lodge, has written to advise that his doctor confirms that he is no longer in need of the operation. He attributes it to Shari’s intervention.
The Appreciation of Shari’s work is indeed shared by the many guests that have visited Adrere Amellal during her tenure. She is a dedicated professional that one can totally rely on and is in constant search for knowledge and pursuit of excellence.
We miss her at the Ecolodge.
Mounir Neamatalla
President, Environmental Quality International. Adrere Amellal Ecolodge is featured in the bestselling book: “1,000 Places to See Before You Die: A Traveler's Life List” and is a popular destination for European royalty, jet setters and other notables.
Cairo, Egypt
I find it hard to explain in words how much Sharon’s healing changed for us. Our daughter was struggling at the time with a severe skin condition that had nearly taken her life just weeks before. Sharon saw our daughter very clearly and really helped sift through some emotional challenges and the healing she gave her helped her turn a major corner in just 2 days. Her skin cleared up and we noticed a major shift in her emotional state. Words do not describe the gratitude we hold for Sharon’s work. It was all done with so much ease and grace and at the same time with such major impact.
Marthe Snorresdotter Rovik
I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful session today. The pain went away completely!!! You are truly amazing -and I've known that since my first session with you 5 years ago, but it never ceases to amaze me how gifted and skilled you are! Not a trace of the pain I was feeling, not even the slightest discomfort. I'm so grateful!!!
May the universe bless you infinitely!
H. Morgan
Florida, United States
Healing the healer...That is exactly what Sharon Blauer did yesterday in our hotel room before she left and I wanted ALL of you to know of her unique incredible gifts. I was open and we healed different levels of Trauma from my childhood that I did not know was much of the cause of continuous hip discomfort. I AM STILL IN AWE!!! My Hip still feels as if air, it's in breath is moving through it. Sharon IS The REAL DEAL and I am ever so grateful for her healing gifts. Thank YOU Sharon....Much Love..
Tammy Lee Schumacher
Holistic Health Consultant
I just wanted to say thanks for all the work we’ve done together over the last couple of years. Working with so many different people/clients over the last week after not practicing for 3 years has shown me how far I’ve come and how much of a better practitioner I am now because of our work and learning from you throughout the process!
Melissa Lamoureux
Ontario, Canada
I have known Sharon since about 2011 and her treatments, particularly her mediumistic work, were instrumental in turning my life from fairly complete physical disability to quite good health. I can't say enough about her capabilities. I highly recommend Sharon!
Susan Cutter
Holistic Health Consultant and Hypnotist
New York
My session with Sharon was absolutely incredible. Within minutes she was pinpointing physical and emotional issues, their origins, and enabling me to see how they are playing out presently in my life. The healing energy she utilizes is tangible, and Sharon also generously gives you the tools and means to empower yourself. Most of all, all of this is done in an accepting and nonjudgmental way. I left the session feeling as though I had shed 20 pounds of heavy, dark feelings. So many thanks to a beautiful being! I look forward to my next session.
Catherine Guy
New York, NY USA
I have rarely met anyone who is as authentic, capable and ethically conscious about their healing work as Shari. The more so because with all her experience and proficiency, she never halts in her search for knowledge, mastery and Truth. She possesses the genuine, professional ambition to do her work 100%, and no less. Every session with her leaves me replenished with energy and 'armed' for life again. Shari provides the space that enables healing by seeing me exactly for who I am – compassionately, humanely, and unfailingly without judgment.
There are few whom I hold as deep in regard or trust as unconditionally in their ability to help, understand and heal, and to evaluate my options for the best, without ever making that choice for me or trying to convince, or judge me. For me, she has been a key initiator in a process of self-discovery and spiritual development.
Soraya Hoppe
Cultural Affairs Assistant
Berlin, Germany
I originally found Sharon when searching someone who could "see" what homeopathic remedies were best for me and skip the overwhelming amount of guesswork that I found was prevalent among homeopathic prescribing practitioners. After having sessions with over 14 healers and medical intuitives, it was obvious that no one came close with being as precise and helpful as Sharon with regards to this type of work. In addition, she could also help determine which foods, supplements, and other products were beneficial for me and which parts of the body they affected. These findings have not only saved me an immense amount of time and money, but have also helped speed up my health recovery. These results have been triple checked with various naturopathic doctors, applied kinesiology, and labwork, which have all proven that not only are Sharon's suggestions correct, but they are almost always more accurate than any other form of testing procedures.
S. O.
Software Engineer/Energy Healer
Phoenix, USA
I never was interested in healing of any kind, I thought it was all hogwash. Sharon Blauer was staying with me for a couple of days and must have had her fill of my complaining about my bum knee due to arthrosis, which had been bothering me for ages. I was treating it with glucosamine to hopefully help restore the cartilage and doing daily exercises but nothing seemed to help. Then Sharon gave me one healing for about half an hour and I had to admit the pain was gone! Well, not totally gone, but about 90% gone...and now a couple of weeks later that is still the case. Thanks Sharon!
Sheila Gogol
Amsterdam, Holland
Sharon has talent and wisdom well beyond her years and training. She is a wealth of abilities.
David C. Loree
RMT and Integrated Body Therapist
Edmonton, Canada
Working with Sharon is always an amazing exploratory journey, like going on a treasure hunt and having fun removing obstacles along the way. Sharon's ability to see what's going on combined with EFT and energy work is powerful and really gets things moving. I've always felt completely supported and safe during our sessions, like she is walking right beside me.
Sharon is very respectful, has a great sense of humour and tonnes of uncommon common sense. She's helped me to release unhealthy patterns and uncover innate gifts and talents. Sharon is a truly unique being, valiantly shining her light in this crazy world, and it's hard to know how to thank her enough for what she does.
Meli Rae
Sydney, Australia
At the time (of the session), I didn't "feel" much. I didn't cry as I have in so many Tapping sessions, no particular anger or betrayal or anything. But...the ramifications of that releasing have been very deep. This, um, well, peace I guess it is, has permeated my whole being. It has felt really weird. Like stepping into a whole new territory. No familiar landmarks. I hadn't realized I didn't have an internal peace. What to do now that it's all peaceful inside??? It's still feeling weird because though "troublesome" things still show up to be handled, I don't feel troubled by them.
Andria Anderson
Music Instructor
Chicago, USA
You reassure me. You tell me the absolute truth and it appeases me greatly, even if it is sometimes not easy to hear.
Caroline Desbiolles PhD
Film Location Manager
Montreal, Canada
Sharon is one of the most competent, powerful and gifted healers I've even known. She is not only one my most trusted and valued go - to healers, but also a good friend and colleague who has partnered with me many times for my Vortex Healing group sessions. In addition to her command of many different healing modalities, Sharon is also a gifted and accomplished clairvoyant and medium. I am truly blessed to have her in my life!
Geordie Numata
Holistic Healing Practitioner / Astrologer
New York, USA
My back pain caused me to leave work and prevented me from driving. A visit to Shari gave me enormous pain relief and equally importantly, a sense of equilibrium and peace. Many thanks. [Julia's session was held in January, 2010. At of the time of her written testimonial (April, 2010) she continued to be "pain free" in her words, and shared plans to return to work in September.]
Julia McEvoy
Wife/Mother/Teacher (again)
Each year I become more open and understanding to people and what's happening around me and it all started with you. You're always on my gratitude list!
Leila Webb
English and Yoga Teacher/Mother
All over Asia
When I explained to Sharon that my condo's energy felt oppressive and every afternoon when I came back from work it drained me so much that I would sit in my couch, basically incapacitated to do anything, Sharon tuned in and asked: what do you think if I clear the energy? I didn't wait, I said go ahead! That night when I came back, I could feel the difference. For the first time in months I could sit and read two chapters of a book and finish other chores I didn't have the energy to complete before. Changing a place energy changes its possibilities to be used.
Technical Products Developer
Calgary, Canada
Друзья, хочу снова поделиться ценнейшей информацией. Хотя, честно говоря, есть внутри некое сопротивление, вот это вот " никому не отдам, всё моё". Так получилось, что незнамо за какие заслуги, ко мне в гости на несколько дней буквально приехала невероятная женщина, впервые о которой я услышала несколько лет назад. Для тех, кому вкратце, её зовут Шэрон, она из Канады, и что она делает, она просто читает системы людей, как букварик ( обычный такой, синий букварик, не по языку Сухвиашвилли), включая прошлые жизни, накопленные травмы, энергетическую, биологическую, физическую, эмоциональную...добавьте сами какую, составляющую, и помогает очень мягко и бережно ( а это очень важно, поверьте мне, как знатоку- экспериментатору), вытащить и отпустить накопившуюся боль, являющуюся первопричиной заболеваний, жизненных трудностей, психологических раздраев и так далее.
По роду своих интересов, я встречала и встречаю очень много замечательных докторов, целителей, волшебных людей. Но эта женщина - совершенно уникальное создание, и после взаимодействия с ней остаётся только чувство " в смысле? Откуда ты про меня это знаешь? А что так можно было? Плюс восхищение, теплота и благодарность" Шэрон буквально день - другой в Дахабе, я уже использовала всю свою магию, чтоб она побыла подольше, но, кажется моих запасов хватит ещё ненадолго. Кому нужна ее помощь, можно написать либо ей в личку, либо мне, либо связаться через сайт ( см. Комментарии).
К слову, она работает в том числе и онлайн. Для любителей лонгридов.
5 лет назад моя партнёр по работе, и приятельница потеряла баланс в одной из жизненных сфер, и у нее пропал слух, заложило уши, были проблемы с вестибюляркой, тошнило и вообще.
Она, конечно, обращалась к докторам, таблетки, антибиотики - ноль эффекта.
Вокруг неё также было очень много целителей, шаманов, толку было тоже мало.
После чего она съездила в Каир, вернулась бодрячком, как ни в чем не бывало.
На мой вопрос - как??? Ответила - Шэрон. Я ещё тогда решила, хочу увидеться и спросить, как это она так? И можно ли и мне так? Я тогда практиковала Тайский массаж, и искала учителя для дальнейшего развития.
За 5 лет так и не случилось встречи, хотя я через очень многое прошла, и очень многому научилась.
В этом году, некий вопрос с ухом возник у меня. Я его сама себе решила наполовину, вторую половину захотелось решить именно с помощью Шэрон. Нашелся контакт, списались, но все что-то не складывалось, а хотелось именно встречи, кофе, длинных расспросов, дружбы и взаимодействия воочию.
Вообщем, все случилось, Шэрон любезно приняла мою просьбу остановиться у меня.
Можно было бы сказать, что это я ее захостила, такая добрая. Но нет. ДОбро было с её стороны согласиться пожить у меня. Потому что то, что она делает, с помощью своих способностей ( всегда смеялась со слова Медиум, но не в случае с Шерон), многолетнего и самого разнообразного образования ( массаж, гипноз, EFT, энергокоррекция и ещё много всего) и опытом работы, более чем 25 лет, - это очень мощно, и повторюсь, совершенно уникально. Я пишу это от чистого сердца, потому что испытала воздействие на себе, и была свидетелем, как люди, которым я не смогла помочь своими методами, получили мгновенное разрешение своей проблемы ( увы, эти области ещё вне моей компетенции).
Lilia Makarenko
Holistic Therapist
Saudi Arabia/Ukraine
Again, I can't thank you enough! You are really helping me so much to the extent that I've tears in my eyes...Very few people touched my heart. One of them is Sharon Blauer... I would highly recommend her. She has the most beautiful loving energy.
Salma Sabri
Technical Advisor
Cairo, Egypt
Since I was little, I've been searching for answers and never found anyone who could explain to me what i was experiencing (seing spirits, having premonitions, seeing auras). I would always block them as I didn't understand what it was. After attending just one workshop,Sharon shed so much light to fears I've held for many years. I was so amazed at her psychic abilities! It was magical to watch. I always had a problem breathing, getting air into my stomach and Sharon told me I had an [energetic disturbance] in my body for reasons she automatically knew without me saying one word. I am so grateful as she removed this from my body: I felt really hot at first followed by a spell of nausea but one hour later wow!!! I felt lighter and for the first time in a long time, I could fill my stomach with air. I am so grateful to Sharon. She truly is amazing and authentic and I'm very excited for class number two and having a private session with her. I feel truly blessed to have met someone so gifted and professional. Thank you Sharon.
Nathalie Gagnon
Fashion stylist
Montreal, Canada
I met Shari while in Cairo. I was in the midst of a depressive state which had been lingering for a few months. My mind was cloudy, my direction unknown and my intuition dull. In my first session, Shari's intuition and clairvoyance immediately re-focused me, answering my questions about a past relationship and setting me straight as to my own direction. In follow up sessions, we worked on clearing stuck energy, stuff that I could feel in my body. Tantric Yoga and other body work could not seem to clear it. Shari's lovely melding of her own gifts, coupled with combinations of Reiki, Vortex and Colour Therapy purged my BodyMindSpirit gently and powerfully, resulting in my experiencing a lightness and freedom that I had not felt in months. With Shari's assistance, I made progress and returned to a more balanced state of inner and outer peace.
As a professional healer myself, I am aware of just how potent a worker Shari is; her energy and gifts are easily adapted to suit an individual’s needs, even as they themselves change from visit to visit.
Mark Brettell
Healing Practitioner
Sharon is the most amazing healer I have met in my life and I have met some! What makes her so special is the rare ability to see your energy field, to sense your aura, to feel what your most pressing issues are. While she is serious and dedicated to help you release blockages, residual toxins from past emotional experiences or traumas and the pain we all carry, she is also very gentle in her approach to the healing process. Right from the start, I felt I could trust her totally, which made me submit to her or rather to the miraculous experience that a healing session really is.
I ran to Sharon at various stages of my life asking her for help - especially following break-ups that were emotionally painful experiences. In only two sessions, she would help me to feel calmer and more accepting of the facts, I arrived to another perspective, seeing things from a larger angle. Thanks to her, my energetic system was nurtured and replenished, my aching heart was soothed, the feeling of being in pieces subsided.
She patched me up so well that I could out there again to shine and to focus on the tasks I had to perform – like going on a trip to meet your larger family when the last thing you want is everybody to feel how miserable you are. I feel grateful to know her and her mere existence in my life is very comforting for me because I know that when I stumble and fall she is going to be right there ready to help me get up and fly again.
Dr. Ute Devika Meinel
Management Consultant
I have been seeing Sharon for a few years for a wide range of energetic, physiological, and emotional issues. But for the first time recently, I asked her to help me do well on very important exams that I needed to pass, which I was nervous about because I had been studying day and night for 2 weeks nonstop. Sharon worked on my stress level and brain-heart-kidney connection which helped me to be in the best condition to study. She also advised me with very accessible but unconventional study methods that helped the information stick effortlessly! Needless to say, I passed the exams with flying colors with minimal stress. I am so grateful for Sharon’s support, for helping me with exactly what I needed. Thank you so much!
Stephanie Hwang
TCM Practitioner
New York
Sharon is a phenomenal healer. Her psychic abilities never cease to amaze me. She is accurate as much as she is talented in what she does. Whether it be aura reading or distance healing, Sharon is right on the spot. I have had a few sessions with her, all memorable as being powerful and helpful and I recommend her wholeheartedly to whoever is looking for a real positive change in their life.
Ella Wohl
Alternative medicine therapist and birth assistant
The [Psychic Development] workshop...was both fascinating and inspiring, and I love your down to earth approach and straightforward talking.
Tracey Wright
IT Consultant
Montreal, Canada
A healing session with Shari, apart from healing the pains and aches and diseases, triggers with me an out of body experience most of the time. I feel I am floating and out of space and time. A deep, deep relaxation comes with it and it lasts for a while after the treatment and a sense of well being that one cannot describe and can only experience. I, as a trained Homeopath, recommend her highly as a healer. But also if you are a Homeopath or Herbalist, she has that amazing and unique gift of seeing the effect of the medicine on the patient before he or she takes it in. Just by holding it, it affects his or her aura and the different organs in the body and Shari can describe the impact of the remedies vividly and accurately.
Rana Jalabi-Holdijk
Cairo, Egypt
We have had a long association with Sharon and have found her psychic insights useful and timely. We have had consultations with her by distance and face-to-face and have recommended her to many of our friends both in London and when we were living overseas. Her bodywork, using energy and the subtle body, is amazing and has to be experienced to be believed. I have felt both physical and emotional benefits both during and after sessions. She is a unique and perspicacious character who has a wide skills base which she seeks to build on year on year. Whatever difficulties you may be facing in life you can be sure that Sharon has got something to help you through. She has made a significant difference to us when we felt that we needed support.
Charlie and Alice Taylor-Rugman
Yoga instructor/Primary school instructor
London, UK
Since I have seen you and the work that you had done…I have more peaceful days and evenings... Every day, I get a lot stronger and my confidence is growing and I am seeing the person that I used to be and I missed very much. I am very happy and I am making plans again…without hearing the criticism or another voice telling me what it wants me to do. And it's great to be free and no longer looking from the closed window at others getting on with their lives and openly enjoying themselves. I am happy knowing that every day I am getting stronger and freer and I am enjoying life and the experience of just being me...Thank you for everything and most of all giving me my life back.
Judy Knight
Sports Physiotherapist and Reiki Healer
London, Uk
Learning Reiki level 1 and 2 opened my eyes to experiences I was blind to previously. We would gather for our sessions on a quaint houseboat on the Nile and Sharon would guide us with patience and experience through the steps to become a spiritual healer. What she taught me has served to help me personally, many friends and members of my family. Thanks Sharon!
Claire Williams
Events Manager
Cairo, Egypt
Healing sessions with Shari were a landmark in my healing experience. I am a Homeopath myself and have been taking remedies and doing other alternative treatments like Reflexology, Trager and Reiki. With Shari, it seemed like incorporating all these healing techniques in one. Combining colour therapy with chakra healing was exceptionally helpful and transformative in my case. Thanks dear Shari for all your help! Looking forward to further sessions in the future.
Howayda Fadda
Cairo, Egypt
I was assured I deserved to feel better and heal when Sharon showed up in my life. She is an innate healer, with all the defaults that come along with that: clairvoyance, past life analysis, guidance to your purpose and most of all, genuine caring and infinite capacity of love. Taking that gift further by going through in depth studies only sharpened further and further her abilities. And teaching and guiding others to find the healer within and help them open the gates to their true selves and see their true reflection in a clear mirror makes her an undivided piece of that very reflection they see. I know that for whenever I have a clear glimpse of my essence and I zoom in and see it clearly, I regain the balance and I see her alongside me in the image. Sharon is what anyone really deserves when they intend they want to heal the layers that made them someone else that they created. She takes you through the gates of the foggy layers back to yourself.
Bayan Waleed Shadaideh
Training Consultant
Having become acquainted with Sharon recently and received a healing and an auric reading from her, I can attest to her effectiveness and integrity in the work. The auric reading was accurate and helpful, the results of the healing were immediate, and after it I had a sense of peace which continued for some time. As a sensitive myself, I was impressed by the purity and high frequency of the energy present.
When Sharon told me that she also used her mediumship to communicate with people who had died I was encouraged to ask her to see if she could make contact with my mother who had died a few years ago. I am not a sceptic, but have had doubts and concerns about the accuracy and value in communicating with the dead in this way. I had not been inspired with confidence in any medium I had come across, however well-meaning, judging their messages as general and ‘fluffy’, nor, it has to be said, any motivation to search. But my mother’s drawn-out passing, in a state of depression and hopelessness, had left me still, after two years, sad and angry. The dialogue with my mother during the session was specific and absolutely congruent with my knowledge of her. l was relieved beyond words to feel that she had made the transition and attained a graceful state despite the hard passing, and she was learning and understanding as she could not in her recent life. The extraordinary flood of brilliant light which followed released the heavy burden in my heart.
In a later session, Sharon then contacted my father who had died in an accident many years ago. I was more prepared this time and was able to have a dialogue in which he took the opportunity, which was significant to him, to correct some misunderstandings and put the record straight. Again, what was said was specific and it was great to have a private opportunity to actually dialogue to and fro, not just a few messages, as is often the case, before the loved one was ‘gone’ out of receiving range. In response to my questions about my brothers and sisters, the answers were authentically ‘him’, although I was aware that he now had a wider perspective. As a therapist of many years experience, and an observer of the ways in which people can be manipulated or deceive themselves, I was careful to give no leads or eager assents.
Sharon had no idea of my history and knew nothing of my family. When I queried some of what was reported, it was clear that the answers, again specific, were authentic.
The value of these communications turned out to be greater than I could have imagined. Sharon’s work allowed the completion of unfinished business on both sides of the veil. She held the space she mediated with authority and respect - no ‘fluffiness’ or sentimentality, no guessing, no elaboration, no interpretation, just what there was. Sharon is especially gifted, sensitive, extremely well trained, ethical, multi-levelled and dedicated to truthful service. It is rare to find someone with all these qualities. I thank her for the profound experiences which helped me immeasurably - and I have changed my view entirely about the value of good mediumship!
Jennifer Carmen
Holistic Therapist
London, UK
The healing experience with Sharon Blauer has been incredibly helpful and insightful. It has helped me on multiple levels, moving me in the direction of increased ability to deal with difficult situations, being content, increased consciousness and understanding.
Shahinaz Ahmed
Cairo, Egypt
I am trained as an engineer and have a no-nonsense type of pragmatic approach to life. Even though I was referred to Sharon by my brother, it was not easy for me to shake off preconceptions of our learned frame of reference: what works and what does not, how it works, etc. I now know that truths can exist even if I cannot perceive them. I consider myself fortunate to have met Sharon and allowed myself to let her confirm that there are alternative ways of looking at the world.
Sharon did diagnose and treat ails (some partially and some completely) that traditional "doctors" could not. She helped me release anger that I have bottled (and learned to live with) for years. I am grateful for the result. She actually "saw/perceived" and told me about things that can't be guessed or logically deduced. She even taught me to heal myself and my family.
Bottom line, Sharon is gifted and more importantly, her heart is in the right place. I recommend her to my friends without hesitation as a healer and a teacher. Let her show you what she can do.
Sherif Ibrahim
Maryland, USA
I had my first "victim" yesterday. It was my grandma. She had a sore knee. She can't believe she is not in pain anymore, and decided to have another session tonight! Thank you Sharon, so much!
Malak Yassin
Wife/Homemaker and Reiki 1 graduate
Cairo, Egypt
A word of thanks for the way you brought us in to Reiki. After the second attunement that you gave us, the energy kept flowing for the whole night again, and we noticed that we were (more than usually) connected with the animals and the birds. Today, we were working in the garden and in my bag, I had a fisherman's knife, sharp as a razor and it was open in my bag. I put my hand in the bag with too much force and cut my finger real bad. The blood was gushing out. I went inside the house, took a towel, laid my hand that was bleeding on it, and started to give Reiki with the other hand. Immediately, the bleeding stopped and the pain went away. After 5 minutes, Gerda laid a bandage on it and we went out working again. After work, the bandage was wet, so I took it off. To our surprise, the wound was already closed, only a fine line can still be seen. Good stuff, that Reiki!
Eddy Vlietinck and Gerda Keirsebilck
Fisherman/Convalescent Care Specialist and Reiki 1 & 2 graduates
The first time I went to Sharon was in 2005. At that time my whole life was a mess, my relationships, career...etc. Sharon helped me a lot during this period with the different treatments she offers. The sessions were a combination of energy healing, color healing, Reflexology, and psychic reading. And it was always a great opportunity to vent! Sharon helped me resolve my childhood issues and gave me the courage to shift career. Thanks to her, my life is back on track.
HR Manager (wishes to remain anonymous)
Cairo, Egypt